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It is high time to plow and ready the field for a very different period of sowing.
After WWII the US has chained itself to Japan and vice versa. More than 7 decades have passed since. This time frame calls for utter attention; as our weeks have seven days, in ancient Israel, the number 7 points to the Shabbat. God Yahweh’s dealings with mankind can be mysterious — but nowadays, nobody seems to ask the question why now? concerning the outbreak of this Corona plague. There are plentiful of reasons and I invite my readers to search for them and to seriously consider the ones I shall be putting forward in these writings.
I must emphasize right from the beginning, that every aspect of my insight has its roots in the fear of God Almighty. All honour belongs to HIM alone, who has in a most merciful way kept me safe throughout many most turbulent years and decades of work in this country of Japan. As I stand here before you, aged 66, I let you know, that all facts and details referred to are examined many times over. My outspokenness and dedication to truth have not only brought me behind bars, yet against the laws of this country, but also my health was intentionally and seriously endangered during weeks of freezing temperatures without means to keep warm. Had I died back in 2014, the cabinet of Shinzo Abe would have counted it a cover-up success, for many more have met premature deaths cloaked in mystery in Japanese prisons. God did not let it happen in my case — to enable me to give you all first hand information I hope you will not just consume and forget again. Nowadays, tens of thousands of people die a similar death they had devised for me! In the spiritual realm, it seems quite clear to me, that this plaque is a whip in the hand of God and a severe reckoning due to a mass of awful godlessness in so many countries.
At this point, I imagine, a number of readers will leave us, for they don’t share respect for and adoration of God Yahweh. We let them go their paths of destruction. They are not worthy to stay alive, indeed, for life always belongs to the Creator and has to be lived for HIM!
This is our first meeting. I boldly give you a first compact reason for the appearance of this deadly virus: It had to appear, because, in all secrecy and for a number of years, there has been a very concrete plot to spread such a virus at a major sport event, even in this country. The wiredrawers behind the scenes would have been a large and powerful international society calling itself the Free Masons. This could be pinpointed in 2010, embedded into a long running tv program here, wich was mainly sponsored by said society itself. The proof is very convincing, but mostly forgotten over the years. Of course, all shrouded groups make efforts in presenting themselves in an attractive way, which is considered safe thanks to a comical wrapping, which was also the case in the program titled ‘Rumors in the capital (Tokyo)’. The program was a daring project, indeed, for many aspects of this elite crypto society were presented to the public in a straightforward manner, also with historical clues and a wealth of impressive visuality. The key person, Mr Seki, a somewhat obscure talent in the Japanese world of entertainment, did his best to convince both, studio guests as well as the general public, that this was the time for a membership. The question might arise as to why the group took the uncommon risk of coming out, making its sponsorship of the program, as well as quite a number of affiliated individuals even known by name. Regarding this feature, it has to be pointed out, that Japan is an outstanding economic power globally, which cannot be bypassed. Out of historical reasons, though, the Freemasonry has not been able to take deep roots in the populace partly due to the entirely alien concept of western individuality and the unbending will for individual success, which even disposes of the very notion of deep seated camaraderie in the Japanese mind and soul: it’s a fact, that in Japan, the famous eye on top of the pyramid symbol is widely known as ‘Lucifer’s eye’, in striking contrast to western allegations of an ‘all-seeing eye’. In other words, the tv program was meant to break this stigma, thereby turning the tides in favour of the society: a truly ‘high voltage undertaking’, that could certainly backfire and even worsen the standing of Freemasonry in the light of the general public. By the grace of God, this happened, indeed!
To wind up: in that one, decisive program on December 22nd of 2010, Mr Seki was explaining in a somber mood, that the society had all the necessary means to create a pandemic as mentioned above, e.g. in a country, that opposed the influence of Freemasons… The dice was cast. The video with simultaneous picture frames as shown below, captions and voice recordings are still available at this point of time. It was a thinly veiled threat of biological warfare and a scope of international terrorism not heard of before! Later, this writer made efforts to bring these matters to light, but the court proceedings were wrought to an end by the illegal collaboration between the Lower Tokyo court and the defendant,… the Metropolitan Police Department of Tokyo.
Again, God did not let that conspiracy take shape. Instead, the 2020 Tokyo Olympic goes down in history as an awesome symbol of God’s global power over all sorts of evil machinations, also of that greedy, reeling bunch of individuals bare of any regard for human life, let alone justice and righteousness.
Mr Seki emphasizing, that 'the new era of the devil, 666, will soon begin'.
'That will be in 2013, so the question is only in what way the virus will be dispersed'.
(a digital illustration of the artificially created virus is blended in)
It is explained, that 'the new era will be a winnowing process: ‘either to let live or not to let live’.' (the wording clearly pointing to some entity in charge of this process of separation)
'If people from all over the world gather and then the virus is released, that will be scary'.
'…when a novel kind of virus would spread all over the world…'
the question would then be, whether or not one would be able to pay for the vaccine.
'But here, something is strange!'
'if the world becomes a place, where those would be unable to live on, who could not afford the vaccine'.
'This is not the right thing'.
..that even the Government would not help those, who lack the finances — that is simply not correct.
And just as if Mr Seki had attained a better understanding after his clearcut stance, he continues at the feet of the statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and comments:
'the era of individualism has come to its end'.
'this is the time, when humans (in contrast to those, who have let go of their humanity) must gather together…
Indeed, without his being aware of it, Mr Seki, himself a Freemason key person, had to admit, that the time had come, even for GOD fearing individuals, to gather nowhere else than at the feet of the Messiah, who was crucified and raised from the dead to eternal glory and sovereign leadership, also on this planet.
I have raised my voice in the past; I do raise my voice now and I shall raise my voice in the times to come, for GOD YAHWEHs anger is poured out upon mankind, but in a special way upon America:
contrary to earlier presidents, Donald Trump is pressing his ‘American Supremacy’ ideology in a way, which is beyond reason, let alone the righteousness that pleases God Almighty. When he became president, I warned him, that his slogan America First would turn into America Cursed because of all the blasphemy, wickedness and hypocrisy. Yet, he yelled ‘God will protect us!'
No, Donald, be sure he won’t!
Here lies another reason for Corona, my readers, for GOD cannot be mocked — not by elite minded Jews, nor the like.
The time has come to spell out many secrets: in this year of called off Olympic Games, finally, Masonry itself and as a whole is being called to account for its covered up wretchedness and rebellion against GOD — this is yet an important reason for the appearance of Corona: GOD is about to smash your evil system of blind enslavement! The call is for all members to separate themselves from this vile abomination, for its days are numbered. View that event in this very different light!
To postpone it into the next year does not change anything in the least!
Freemason and founder of the modern Olympic Games
Yes, you Masons of the black master have succeeded in turning the nation of Japan into a world showcase.
You did strip this country of its own culture and religiosity! You sodomized it with all your vileness, right from the beginning, when you forced it open by threats, not enlightenment, in the days of your obedient servant, admiral Perry, and his arrival in the middle of the 19th century on board of his many black ships…
And, oh yes, your forceful influence continued right through the idealised Meiji Restauration with handlers like Iwakura, the short, yet most influential man on the backstages, and Thomas Graver, who was heavily involved in the brutish slaying of a genuine hero of the Japanese people, Ryouma Sakamoto, who was alone in discerning the needs of his times clearly, yet had resisted the masonic power mongering behind the scenes. In a most telling way, the same Graver was later duely decorated by the Meiji Government with the highest honours of Japan…
Iwakura, center, with a few of his adorers, also Ito Hirobumi, who later filled the post of Prime Minister for four times.
Deliberations between Ryouma Sakamoto (right) and Thomas Graver (left)
Ryouma Sakamoto
Graver, at old age; he could never forget Ryouma
Under the same forces of evil, Japan then entered World War II, which ended in a national disaster unheard of.
After another obedient servant Mason, Douglas Mc Arthur, had arrived, the period between 1945 and 1952 marked yet another round of exclusive masonic dominance of all matters on all levels of the Japanese society. Well aware of his 'deeper calling' Mc Arthur significantly set up the historic flag of admiral Perry for the ceremony of unconditional surrender on the battleship Missouri.
It's no exaggeration to say that Japan has since Perry been literally transformed into a masonic cow, which is regularly milked for finances. If need be, though, this country would most certainly and without hesitation also be turned into a scapegoat in the sight of all the world by the masters in hiding, who would sternly deny all substantial proof of their crypto society bearing most of the responsibility for the forlorn kind of nation Japan has become in recent years! Indeed, the grand masonic experiments of the magnificent scale of the entire Japanese society would have continued, had Corona not ripped through those diabolic plans!
I do hope with all my heart and mind, that this insight lights a fire in the consciousness of my readers.
Moreover, I call on members of masonic groups and similar societies, to get off those sinking ships as quickly as possible. I invite you to Japan; the time of great changes has arrived!